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Articles showing a connection between vaccines and autism-like symptoms: (Medical Hypotheses, 2001) (Journal of Biomedical Science, 2002) (don’t be misled, this was published in Molecular Psychiatry in 2002). (International Journal of Toxicology, 2003) (Medical Hypotheses, 2005) (Neurotoxicology, 2006) (Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, 2007) (Indian Journal of Medical Research, 2008) (Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 2008.) (North American Journal of Medical Sciences, 2009)

No Forced Vaccination

  1. Vaccination is a medical intervention. United States law considers vaccines to be “unavoidably unsafe”.1  All medical interventions must  be freely chosen.  There are 26 doses of 11 vaccines currently required by West Virginia Law for school attendance.2  The VAERS database has cumulatively recorded  60, 396 serious adverse reactions requiring hospitalization and  6913 deaths nationwide for these vaccines,3 with the actual figures being 10 times to 100 times greater, due to under and misreporting (600,396 to 6,003,960 serious adverse reactions and 69,130 to 691,300 deaths).4  The Vaccine Court has awarded $4.2 billion in compensation for vaccine injuries.5  No randomized controlled studies have ever been done comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated populations.  No one has presented scientific data that proves that any given vaccine is more beneficial than harmful.  A recent analysis has proven that the DTP vaccine, used in the United States until 1996 and still in use throughout the world IS more harmful than beneficial.6  Dr. Peter Aaby, a world renowned researcher states “I think it’s important to recognize that no routine vaccine was tested for all the effect on mortality in randomized trials before being introduced. I guess most of you think that we know what all our vaccines are doing, we don’t. 7

  2. The vaccine industry is fraught with conflicts of interest. Doctors, who are members of the American Medical Association or the American Academy of Pediatrics, have an inherent conflict of interest.  They belong to associations that oppose any non-medical vaccine exemptions.8,9  At the same time, they make money by vaccinating their patients.  Pharmaceutical companies and medical associations give donations to both local and national candidates.  Pharmaceutical  companies generate $50 billion in sales from vaccines, up from $750 million in 1986  before Federal law stopped individuals from being able to sue pharmaceutical companies; an increase of 67 times.10  State mandates insure a steady stream of income for pharmaceutical companies, no advertising needed.  Julie Gerberding, now Executive Vice President of pharmaceutical giant Merck, was director of the Centers for Disease Control, the agency responsible for overseeing vaccine safety and recommending vaccines, from 2002 to 2009.

Senator Mike Maroney, the chair of the West Virginia Senate Health and Human Services Committee, was arraigned on Wednesday, August 28th, 2019 on charges of conspiracy, house of ill fame and assignation and prostitution.   He is accused of soliciting sex from a woman after allegedly arranging at least two encounters with her in his hometown of Glen Dale WV.  Mike Maroney is a medical doctor who practices radiology at Radiology Associations in New Martinsville, WV. 

Is there a correlation between the moral corruption of Dr. Maroney and his actions as a West Virginia Senator?  As chair of the Health and Human Services Committee during the 2019 legislative session, he refused to allow SB 454, which will provide religious and conscientious exemptions from vaccination to West Virginia parents, to have a hearing and be released for a vote in the WV Senate.

In fact, the exact same thing has happened 29 times out of 34 exemption bills introduced in both the WV House and WV Senate over the past 19 years.  Twenty Nine times, the bills died in the Health and Human Resources Committee, whether in the House of Delegates or in the Senate.  Only one bill was approved by the Senate, but rejected by the House in 2003.  That bill originated in the Judiciary committee.    It should be noted that the Health and Human Resource committees are most always chaired by doctors, who are, by definition, conflicted regarding the issue of vaccination mandates. 


A hearing was held by the District of Columbia Council on June 26, 2019 on Bill B23-0171, Minor Consent for Vaccinations Amendment Act of 2019

Here is the bill summary - "As introduced, this bill permits a minor of any age to consent to receive a vaccine where the vaccination is recommended by the United States Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. It also establishes that if a minor is able to comprehend the need for, the nature of, and any significant risks inherent in the medical care then informed consent is established."

What!  A minor of any age can consent to a vaccination.  This is an outrage.  What are the DC Council members thinking?  Of course, we should not be too surprised, as 12 year old girls can already get on abortion in Washington DC without parental consent!  DC residents, call and email your DC Council Members, in your Ward and at Large Councilmembers offices, to express your outrage:    You can watch the public hearing held on June 26, 2019 here:

At 23:35 CM Mary Cheh opines about using this bill as an opportunity to "make sure we have the highest levels of vaccination possible".  Maybe Ms. Cheh should learn from West Virginia, which has one of the highest vaccination rates in the nation due to its no school without vaccinations and no vaccination exemptions policy.  Unfortunately, West Virginia ranks 39th, with one being the best, in infant mortality.  Just maybe there is some connection to the refusal to provide any vaccine exemptions.

And make no mistake, this is not at all about children's health, but about taking away parents’ rights to decide what is best for their children.  Specifically, there is a desire to punish religious parents.  Check out 25:45 in the video.  The very first testimony is from is from Allison Gill, vice president for legal and policy at American Atheists.  That should raise eyebrows right away.  Why is the American Atheist society so big in pushing vaccines?  Ms. Gill says “American Atheists is a national organization set up to protect the wall of separation between religion and government".  Wrong.  The first amendment begins with “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. There is no wall of separation, which is a mischaracterization of words in a letter written by Thomas Jefferson.  Rather, it is Ms. Gill's organization that is infringing on the free practice of religious beliefs.  The first amendment is written to prevent the establishment of a state religion, and to allow the free exercise of religion.  Ms. Gill has it backwards.  The proposed mandates of this bill are prohibited by the first amendment.  They are also prohibited because parents are the primary caretakers of their children, not a coercive state.