What does Black Lives Matter actually believe, in their own words? Is it God-centered? Does it promote peace or conflict?

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Listen to the Podcast

Why are we only hearing about George Floyd and not those black lives killed during the looting and shooting. Are these protests godly, Is the Black Lives Matter movement honest, and do they promote fear and hatred?

View at VisionRoot.org

Trump Rally New Hampshire

On August 15th, 2019, President Trump implicated big pharma in keeping drug prices high and not giving seniors a choice to choose lower prices.  Here is what the President said:

  Our ambitious campaign to reduce the price of prescription drugs has produced the largest decline in drug prices in 51 years. The only decline in 51 years. We have launched a historic initiative to require price transparency, empowering you to choose the lowest price for yourself and for your family. Believe it or not, you didn’t have the right to go in and price your drugs. Who could even believe this? I wonder if big pharma had something to do with that.   So we’re going to have transparency.

An infographic detailing the impact the COVID-19 pandemic is having on the opioid epidemic.

West Virginia is racked by the opioid crisis.  Drug companies told us that there would be no serious issues with opioids.  Here is a clip from an article found here:  https://www.addictions.com/opiate/the-role-of-pharmaceutical-companies-in-the-opioid-epidemic/

“Prior to the 1990s, the use of opioids as a pain treatment was reserved for the most severe forms of pain, such as cancer-related pain symptoms. Medical practitioners were well aware of the strong similarities between opioids and heroin in terms of their addictive properties and so only prescribed opioids as a last resort.

These practices changed in the 1990s in response to Purdue Pharma’s marketing campaign for its top-selling drug to date, OxyContin. OxyContin, a powerful opioid drug, was touted as a non-addictive drug suitable for treating most any type of pain symptom.

In 2010, Purdue Pharma generated $3.1 billion dollars off OxyContin sales alone. That being so, the company was eventually found guilty of misleading the public and ordered to pay penalties fines along the lines of $635 million dollars.

I appeared on the Silk and Antrim radio show on November 17, 2018.  My segment on Vaccine Chice starts at 15:48.  Thanks to Jane Silk for having me on the show.  Hopefully I can return to discuss this crucial topic more.

Listen to the Silk and Antrim show (right click this link to download the show and select "save link as" or "save video as"):


Connect to the Silk and Antrim show at the Main Street Radio Newtork.

