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- Category: Vaccines
Delegate Brandon Steele, Republican, Raleigh County introduced three bills dealing with vaccine choice. Also, Senator Mark Maynard, Republican, Wayne County has introduced Senate Bill 220, providing for religious and conscientious vaccine exemptions. The bill has been referred to the Health and Human Resources Committee, and then Judiciary.
House Bill 4114 was introduced on January 13, 2020. This bill says ““Informed consent” means the right of all people to be fully informed about the risks and benefits of a medical intervention and free to make a voluntary decision on that intervention without being coerced, threatened, or punished for the decision.”
According to the bill, a patient, or parent or guardian of a patient may not be discriminated against or harassed because they have delayed or declined a vaccination. The patient may not be dismissed from the medical practice due to this reason. Doctors cannot accept monetary payment or other incentives for patient vaccination. A liability waiver may not be required for patents who decline or delay a vaccination. Fines may be levied by the Department of Health and Human Resources for violations. For a second violation, the Health Practicioner’s license may be suspended.
This bill will help the many West Virginia parents who have either been harassed or dismissed from a doctor’s practice due to delaying or denying a vaccination.
House Bill 4063 was introduced on January 8, 2020 and will allow a child’s doctor or health care provider, not the state vaccine officer to write an exemption for the child. The bill has been referred to the Health and Human Resources Committee.
House Bill 4115 was introduce on January 13, 2020 and will remove vaccination requirements for private and parochial schools in West Virginia. The bill has been referred to the Education Committee, and then to Health and Human Resources
To voice support for any or all of these bills, contact your West Virginia State Delegate or your State Senator to voice your support. You can also contact the members of the West Virginia House Health and Human Resources Committee, to which the bills have been referred, to demand that the bill(s) that you support get a hearing and are released for a vote on the WV House floor. You can find the members of the WV Senate Health and Human Resources Committee here.
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- Category: Vaccines
“What do researchers do when they discover that vaccination opponents are justified in being concerned? No vaccines have been studied for their non-specific effects on overall health, and before we have examined these, we cannot actually determine that the vaccines are safe (emphasis added). In addition, our research shows that some vaccines actually increase overall mortality, especially among girls, and this is very worrying,” explains Christine Stabell Benn, Clinical Professor, University of Southern Denmark, Odense."....
"Christine Stabell Benn is also pleased that she has not had any children in the United States, where, for example, all newborns have the mandatory non-live hepatitis B vaccination four times before their first birthday.
I would not voluntarily give my newborn the hepatitis B vaccine let alone want to be forced to do it (emphasis added). Vaccination this early only makes sense if the mother is chronically infected with hepatitis B, for which there is a test, and only a few percent have it. So the vast majority of infants who get the vaccine at birth do not need it, and no one has tested what the vaccine means for overall morbidity and mortality. The only study to investigate this is our study, showing that hepatitis B is associated with higher female than male mortality, which is a serious danger signal given our results for other non-live vaccines,” says Christine Stabell Benn."
Read the article here: https://www.sciencenews.dk/en/vaccines-an-unresolved-story-in-many-ways.
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- Category: Vaccines
- Vaccination is a medical intervention. United States law considers vaccines to be “unavoidably unsafe”.1 All medical interventions must be freely chosen. See the Part 1 video: Vaccines are Unavoidably Unsafe.
- The vaccine industry is fraught with conflicts of interest. See the Part 2 video: The Vaccine Industry is Fraught with Conflicts of Interest.
- All vaccines are not created equal. West Virginia mandates one vaccine for a non-communicable diseases (Tetanus), one vaccine is for a disease related to poor sanitation and drug use (Hepatitus A) and two vaccines for diseases not communicable in the traditional sense, but rather by sexual activity or IV drug use (Hepatitus B) or by mucus spread by kissing or very close prolonged contact (meningococcal). Yet we are told that all vaccines are (equally) required. Why? Whose best interest does this serve? For example, the DTaP vaccine has the highest numbers for serious adverse reactions causing hospitalization 20,220 reported cases, translating to 202,000 to 2,000,000 actual serious cases, due to under reporting. The number of reported deaths is 2979, translating to 29,790 to 297,900 actual deaths. Yet, before the vaccine, there were only two diphtheria deaths nationwide per year. Why does West Virginia require this harmful vaccine?
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- Category: Vaccines
The vaccine industry is fraught with conflicts of interest. Doctors, who are members of the American Medical Association or the American Academy of Pediatrics, have an inherent conflict of interest. They belong to associations that oppose any non-medical vaccine exemptions.8,9 At the same time, they make money by vaccinating their patients. Pharmaceutical companies and medical associations give donations to both local and national candidates. Pharmaceutical companies generate $50 billion in sales from vaccines, up from $750 million in 1986 before Federal law stopped individuals from being able to sue pharmaceutical companies; an increase of 67 times.10 State mandates insure a steady stream of income for pharmaceutical companies, no advertising needed. Julie Gerberding, now Executive Vice President of pharmaceutical giant Merck, was director of the Centers for Disease Control, the agency responsible for overseeing vaccine safety and recommending vaccines, from 2002 to 2009.
9. https://www.aappublications.org/news/2016/08/29/VaccineExemptions082916
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- Category: Vaccines

Urban Life Training sponsored an online conference for those interested in learning about successful ways to education West Virginia Delegates and Senators about forced vaccination in West Virginia. Richard and Stacey Urban shared their experience in meeting with state Delegates and Senators in their local area.
Richard expressed hope that a thorough outreach to every Delegate and Senator will yield fruit in passing vaccine choice legislation in the upcoming West Virginia State Legislative session.
Participant Malinda Royce expressed that "I think absolutely (we should have another meeting like this). This is a great idea to train people in what to say. I feel it will help people who have a head knowledge but have a hard time expressing it in a formal setting."
Furthermore, there has been a concerted effort in virtually every state to roll back religious and conscientious exemptions for vaccines specified as mandatory for school attendance. In this regard, this information will be useful for everyone.
Request the conference recording by clicking here (A new window will open).